A few ways to selecting the Best Car Service for your Companies needs

If you are responsible for planning transportation services for your boss or executive team, colleagues and clients! Where do you start?

With so many options out there, it can be a major task determining the best car service to employ. Things like price, quality, convenience, sustainability and green credential are all things that can play into the mix.

With that in mind, here are five factors to consider when choosing the best car service to meet your needs:

Proven Track Record

In the age of the internet, virtually anyone can jump online and in a few days can have professional looking website up, but many do not. However I think far too many of us have been fooled by appearance in the past. Look for a company with a proven track record in providing great service.

When shopping around, make sure to note any testimonials provided (or lack thereof). The proof is in the pudding: people have good things to say about good companies, and the best car service providers should have no problem sharing them.

Quality of Service

Quality of service can mean different things to different people. From professional staff, to clean low emission vehicles, sustainability and more, there are many factors that come into play. The big question is, if you’re looking for the best car service, shouldn't you expect quality from start to finish?

Simple question to ask!  What makes you different?  This should be an easy question to answer if not, then it’s time to look elsewhere.


How many hours have we all spent waiting on a side-walk for a taxi, or pasting around an airport due to flight delays. When it comes to chauffeur services working for you, your executive, colleagues and clients, your scheduling needs should be of the utmost importance.

How many times have your heard/witness or experiencing a cut-rate/ cheapest car service leaving a client waiting/stranded or acting inappropriately or unprofessionally. 

Sure, they might be a bit cheaper, but I'm sure if you asked your executive, colleague or clients what is worth more to them, you already know the answer. This leads us to the next factor…

Total Overall Cost

Normally, cheaper is better, right? Let’s not be so hasty in this regard, without first weighing things out. While price can definitely be an important factor, the key focus should be on value itself.

Sure, the best car service for you needs may be a bit more expensive than that of other service options, but the quality of service provided, its sustainability and values is almost always well worth the extra few pounds.

Service Guarantee

While all the things we've listed above would be great in a perfect world, how can you know you’ll be receiving what you've paid for? Just because a company can talk a big game, doesn't necessarily mean they will deliver on their promises.

One thing to look for in your search for quality transportation is a service guarantee. The company truly worthy of “best car service” should provide some type of guarantee on their product. Ask them about this before booking your trip.


What this all boils down to is expectation. Your colleagues, client, even you all have expectations. When all of those expectations are met, everyone comes out the other end satisfied.

The best car service for you and your team should meet all of your expectations throughout each step of the process. From booking to transport, the service you choose should leave all parties feeling satisfied. If at any step along the way you find yourself saying “this just doesn't sound right”, maybe that company isn't the best car service to fit your needs.

Do your research and ask questions. After all, you, your executive, colleagues or staff and clients deserve the best.